Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Real Laugh, A Genuine Smile

Through out these past couple of months, overall...I have been pretty content...actually happy. There were many serious problems I had to deal with, but in the end, it wasn't so bad. For that, I thank my dearest ones who are completely irreplaceable.

Then there's one more thing I've noticed recently. I'm the happiest person when I'm not in the material world. Having many objects that are desired is pleasant, but not necessary. Actually, wanting these desirable objects can be quite irritating to me. But I do admit, being a bit materialistic can be fun. I like to spoil myself occasionally, but not all the time (or at least I try not to). Thanks to Dale, I'm enjoying more and more of the simplest things you can think of. And of course, Ciara (best friend since the third grade!) and I have always done the simple fun things. Like snacking and watching movies. These are the sort of things or activities that I enjoy most. Thanks, Ciara and Dale. <3


  1. Aww, this made me tear up a little. I am so glad and blessed to be part of your life and vice versa! Your my bestfraaaaaaannnnnn! And I love you with all my heart girl! :)))

  2. awwww, really? you're so cute! :3

    I love you too, bestfraaaaan!


